Tran Minh Tuan has cerebral palsy, a deformed rib cage and withered limbs because his grandfather was exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. His uncle is also affected, but not his father. Such is the randomness of this affliction.
Tuan and his two healthy siblings live with their mom and dad in a shack made of bamboo and palm thatch with a dirt floor that gets muddy when it rains. Last rainy season, the shack they were living in collapsed around them. Their only furniture is a bed, a hammock, and a little plastic stool that holds their small electric fan. Tuan lives in this space 24/7 while his dad is out seeking work as a day laborer on construction sites (when available) at about $3 a day. As you can see, Tuan smiles a lot when company calls and his dad surrounds him with love and patience and dignity in spite of the meager surroundings and life.
Orangehelpers is building a new house for the family and will try to provide some simple furntiure. If the dad will build an enclosure, we will also get some chickens to boost the nutrition in the family.
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